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There Are SEveral Ways In Which You Can Assist Our Ministry

1. You can pray for our ministry, which is the most needed way to help...
Pray for our workers, for them to remain close to God, to have daily Bible reading and prayer, to not let any sin sneak into their lives to sidetrack them. Pray for them to be holy, for them to be healthy, for them to be of sound mind and good judgement, and importantly, pray for their own protection and their families’ protection from the attacks of the enemy, as they are on the front lines. Pray that their needs are met in practical ways as they give their time to their calling.
Pray for those who come to us for deliverance, that the enemy would be silenced so that we can have meaningful conversations with the victim; that the person would understand the gospel and invite Jesus into their heart and life in order to gain the victory; and pray for their lasting and deepening relationship with Jesus, which will prevent future attacks, for permanent victory.

2. You can join the ministry!
Do you feel called to be an exorcist? As we approach the last days on Earth before Jesus returns, we see an increase in demonic activity. Every believer should be equipt for deliverance ministry. Start by visiting the Deliverance Ministries web site They are located in Oklahoma City, OK, but they ship their course materials anywhere.
Another wonderful resource is the late Russ Dizdar’s courses on deliverance. Russ was an authority on the subject and helped countless individuals, over several decades, find freedom from the demonic realm. Russ’ ministry is now run by Tom Dunn in Ohio; Tom has team members in many states. His web site is
Note: We highly recommend that you take either the course from Deliverance Ministries, or Russ Dizdar’s courses before beginning your exorcism practice. You need to be equipped!
As we get closer to the coming of Jesus, we know that demonic activity is ramping up. The harvest is ready but the laborers are few. Will you join us in Spritual Warfare? EVERY Christian has this authority, and might we even say that every Christian has an obligation to be ready to wage spiritual warfare when it comes our way.